Categories Archives: Home » Culture of Resistance » Women & Radical Feminism

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Support Warrior Sisters: women’s self defense


Rapists and abusers are soldiers on the front lines of a war against women – and in a war, you don’t win by asking the other side nicely to stop.

Warrior Sisters provides both lethal and non-lethal self-defense training to women in need. Please consider making a donation. Your support will go towards purchasing weapons and training materials as well as other needs (insurance, promotion, etc). This is a great opportunity to aid the struggle against male violence and patriarchal domination.

Together, we can fight back, and together, we can win.

Deep Green Resistance and Radical Feminism

“All biological males benefit from patriarchy. No internal identity or emotional state can change the material reality of those benefits. Only changing the material conditions—ending patriarchy—can end those benefits.”

Many activists in my area have asked questions about DGR’s positions on gender, specifically transgender and queer movements, and I believe the DGR Radical Feminism FAQ will help clarify these points for anyone who is unfamiliar or uncomfortable with radical feminist notions of gender. Anyone else who is interested in DGR but has further questions should not hesitate to call or otherwise contact me; I will be happy to meet with you in person and continue a respectful discussion.